Parents & Community » Current Volunteer Opportunities

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Through parent and family involvement, our school community flourishes each year. As part of the family commitment to OLPH Academy, each family with a child as one of our Eagles, is required to volunteer a minimum of 50 hours (40 regular hours and 10 fundraiser event hours) a school year. Throughout the year, we have several opportunities for volunteer hours and the family can pick and choose what and when a volunteer opportunity works for them.
It is through these additional helping hands that we grow as a school community and provide a family oriented environment throughout our campus. 
Please see the current volunteer opportunities listed below and remember to check back throughout the year!
Name of Opportunity Brief Description of Opportunity When Value Who to Contact/Where to Sign Up
Volunteer Hours for purchase Don't have time but need to meet your commitment, purchase your hours needed Anytime $10 = 1 volunteer hour Orlando Salazar, Principal
Volunteer Hours