Faith Life » Message from our Parish Priest

Message from our Parish Priest

Dear Friends,
The ministry of Catholic Education is at the heart of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish.  At the very beginning of our entrance into the Church, when we had our children baptized, we acknowledge that parents are the first teachers of their children in the way of the faith.  Our Parish community is pleased to be a partner in this education.  This is why we have Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy.
This partnership between home and parish Academy provides the very best education and spiritual formation for all our children of God.
We create in our Parish and Academy communities, an atmosphere of "living out the Gospel through the Eucharist".  We aim to help children in their development, so that their progress will be mirrored in their spiritual growth we are all called through our baptism.  We teach so that our students will be able to "Believe, Learn & Do" in our community so as to build and assist in making all of God's creation into His Temple.
Welcome to this wonderful partnership of our Parish and Academy working together to bring God's love, mercy and forgiveness in the world through our educated and formed minds, bodies and souls for ourselves and our children.
In the Spirit of Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
Fr. Frank X. Martínez, STL
Spiritual Shepherd